Traveling during fertility treatment can be a challenging endeavor, but it shouldn’t stop you from pursuing a well-deserved getaway to unwind and find relaxation. In fact, traveling can offer the perfect getaway from the constant stress fertility treatment can bring. However, it is crucial to approach travel during this period with careful consideration. Before you pack your bags and take off, there are several important factors to keep in mind to ensure a smooth experience while traveling during fertility treatment.
Traveling During Fertility Treatment
It is important to remember that traveling during fertility treatment requires careful planning and consideration to ensure the treatment remains uninterrupted and successful. That’s why Carolinas Fertility Institute has put together 5 steps you should be taking when planning and when traveling during fertility treatment.
1. Consult Your Fertility Specialist
The first step you should take when the travel bug hits during fertility treatment is to check in with your fertility team. Not only will they be able to help you identify the best times to travel, but they will also be able to give valuable insight on return dates that match up with your treatment schedule. Your doctor can also help you to determine if where you’re traveling has access to medical care for those going through fertility treatment or pregnancy.
2. Get Vaccinated
Remember that some vaccinations may not be suitable for those going through fertility treatment. When traveling outside of the United States during fertility treatment, it is essential to contact your doctor to determine what vaccinations you may need and which ones to steer clear of during treatment.
Zika is a disease that is spread primarily through the bite of an infected mosquito. Zika can be passed from a pregnant woman to her fetus and can cause birth defects. Unfortunately, there is no vaccine or treatment for this disease. Because of this, it is important to avoid places that have high reporting cases of Zika virus when traveling during fertility treatment.
3. Store Medications Properly
When traveling during fertility treatment, it is likely that you are going to have to pack your medications. It is recommended to store all of your medications in your carry-on bag rather than your luggage in case your luggage gets lost. You may also consider carrying a letter from your doctor about the medications you are traveling with. For more information, check out our blog about how to properly travel with fertility medication: https://carolinasfertilityinstitute.com/5-tips-traveling-fertility-medication/
4. Engage In Healthy Behaviors
Vacations are a great time to let loose and have fun. However, when traveling during fertility treatment, there are a number of different things to keep in mind that can help or hurt your chances of falling pregnant. It is recommended that you follow these tips to keep your body in tip-top shape for pregnancy
- Wear sunscreen and minimize direct sun exposure
- Ensure you’re getting enough sleep
- Eat a diet rich in vitamins, minerals, protein, and iron
- Avoid drinking alcoholic beverages
- Drink plenty of water
If you have more questions on how to stay healthy while traveling during fertility treatment, contact your healthcare provider.
5. Have Fun!
There is no doubt that undergoing fertility treatment can be a grueling process. As couples or individuals yearn to fulfill their dreams of starting a family, they often find themselves navigating through a maze of medical procedures, emotional highs and lows, and the lingering uncertainty that comes with the territory. Amidst the stress and strain of infertility, it becomes crucial to acknowledge the importance of self-care and finding moments of calmness. Take this time to clear your mind and enjoy a change of scenery.
Here at Carolinas Fertility Institute, we are dedicated to helping you build your family with personalized care and attention. We offer unmatched care and expertise to find the best solution for your specific fertility journey. Want to learn more about traveling during fertility treatment? Check out our website or call us at (336) 448-9100 to make an appointment in the Triad or (844) 686-2233 for our Charlotte office.