Minimally Invasive Surgery Performed By a National Expert
Headed by our expert, Dr. Tamer Yalcinkaya, the use of da Vinci Robotic Surgery is an exciting alternative to more invasive types of surgery. This revolutionary new tool puts Dr. Y at the controls of state-of-the-art robotics, enabling even the most complex and delicate procedures through very small incisions with unmatched precision, dexterity, and control.
Benefits include:
- Significantly Less Pain
- Less Blood Loss
- Less Scarring
- Shorter Recovery Time
- A Faster Return to Normal Daily Activities
The staff at Carolinas Fertility Institute is experienced in robotic surgery, and our highly trained robotics team is excited to bring such advanced procedures to our patients.
Dr. Yalcinkaya’s Areas of Expertise
Dr. Yalcinkaya’s areas of special expertise, some of which utilize the da Vinci robotic system, are:
- Fibroids (laparoscopic robot-assisted myomectomy, abdominal (open) myomectomy, hysteroscopic resection of submucosal myomas)
- Cervical insufficiency/incompetence (laparoscopic transabdominal cerclage (TAC), both during pregnancy or interval procedure)
- Endometriosis associated with pain/infertility (laparoscopic robot-assisted excision of endometriosis, laparoscopic robot-assisted presacral neurectomy)
- Tubal sterilization reversal (microsurgical or robotic tubo-tubal anastomosis)
- Asherman syndrome or intrauterine adhesions (hysteroscopic lysis of adhesions)
- Proximal tubal blockage (fluoroscopic tubal recanalization or hysteroscopic Novy catheter recanalization of tubes)
- Congenital absence of vagina/MRKH syndrome (laparoscopic Vecchietti procedure, McIndoe procedure with split-thickness skin graft)
- Septate uterus causing recurrent miscarriage (hysteroscopic metroplasty)
- Bicornuate uterus causing adverse obstetric outcomes (laparoscopic robot-assisted Strassman procedure)
- Transverse vaginal septum, causing obstruction of the lower genital tract (excision of septum with Garcia’s Z-plasty)
- Absence of cervix/cervical agenesis (laparoscopic robot assisted utero-vaginal anastomosis)
- Fertility preservation, before cancer treatment (laparoscopic harvesting and cryopreservation of ovarian cortex, and subsequent auto-transplantation into the pelvis)