Did you know that the average adult makes roughly 35,000 remotely conscious decisions each day? Fortunately, unlike emotions, your actions and decisions are largely within your control. When considering lifestyle choices that may affect your fertility, it’s crucial to pause and carefully weigh your options.

Lifestyle Choices And Fertility 

Understanding how certain habits and behaviors can affect your fertility is essential for individuals who are planning to conceive or are struggling with infertility. Here at Carolinas Fertility Institute, we will explore seven lifestyle choices that may affect your fertility.

1. Weight

In order to promote regular ovulation, it’s recommended that you maintain a healthy weight. Being significantly overweight or underweight can have an effect on your fertility because it can lead to irregular ovulation. Extra weight can ultimately prevent ovulation because both the ovaries and fat cells produce estrogen. Too much estrogen can function in a similar way as a hormonal birth control method by preventing ovulation altogether. When you are underweight, the opposite issue can occur. Not having enough fat can cause your body to stop producing estrogen, causing irregular menstrual cycles, which can affect your fertility.   

2. Irregular Sleeping Patterns

Sleep is beneficial for many different systems in the body and allows for detoxification and regulation, including the regulation of hormones. Irregular sleeping patterns, including night shifts, can negatively affect hormone production, which can lead to infertility.  

3. Alcohol Use

Excessive consumption of alcohol puts you at a higher risk of ovulation disorders. This is due in part to the effect drinking has on your liver. Your liver aids in hormone function, so heavy drinking may disrupt this function within the liver and can affect your fertility. While moderate alcohol consumption may not have as pronounced effects on fertility, minimizing alcohol intake is recommended for those trying to conceive. 

4. Tobacco Use

If you smoke, quitting should be one of the first steps you take when trying to conceive. Not only does tobacco increase the risk of health problems in developing babies, but smoking also can decrease your chances of getting pregnant in the first place. This is because tobacco use has an aging effect on the ovaries and depletes the number of viable eggs prematurely.

5. Overexercise 

While exercising is an important part of daily life, too much vigorous exercise can impede ovulation and reduce the production of the hormone progesterone. Any lifestyle choice that directly affects your hormonal system should be avoided because it can correlate with a decrease in fertility. Stick to a moderate amount of exercise, as activities such as walking, yoga, and pilates can affect your fertility in a positive way. 

6. Exposure To Toxins

While exposure to toxins may not be a choice or ever something we’re aware of, it’s important to be aware of the fact that exposure to certain chemicals and toxins, such as pesticides, solvents, and heavy metals, can lead to problems with fertility. Avoid these toxins when at all possible, and make sure you follow safety protocols if you are exposed to any of these pollutants.

7. Sexually Transmitted Infections

If having a baby is something you want in the future, make sure you follow safe sex practices leading up to the conception of your child. Sexually transmitted infections such as chlamydia and gonorrhea are some of the leading causes of infertility in women and can certainly affect your fertility. Avoid these infections by using a condom and by getting tested regularly for STIs. 

Talk to A Fertility Expert

Are you struggling with conceiving or want to learn more about infertility options? The team at Carolinas Fertility Institute is here to help. The physicians and staff at our North Carolina fertility clinic have decades of experience providing personalized and affordable care to patients on fertility journeys. For questions about lifestyle choices that may affect your fertility, reach out to us today. To make an appointment, call our Charlotte office at (844) 686-2233 or our office in the Triad at (336) 448-9100.