Infertility is both psychologically and emotionally stressful for all parties involved. Unfortunately, this stress can manifest itself in ways that are detrimental to a relationship. The base of every relationship is communication. While talking about feelings and frustrations can be difficult when faced with challenges pertaining to infertility, maintaining strong communication can strengthen relationships. To help you navigate these challenging times, we’re sharing our favorite infertility communication tips for couples finding it difficult to conceive.
Talk it Out
Communication is key, which is why talking it out is one of the best infertility communication tips. While it may seem obvious, taking time to explain how you’re feeling and how these emotions affect your actions and reactions can be incredibly helpful. What may be comforting to you and your way of coping with the situation may seem foreign or puzzling to your partner. Talk through the way you’re feeling and what helps you so that your partner can gain a better understanding of what you need. It’s also important to make time to listen to your partner to learn how they cope and how they’re feeling. No one likes to feel like they have to guess or read minds, so the best way to get ahead of more stressful situations is to ensure you have time to convey your thoughts and feelings accurately.
Set a Limit
While communication is essential, it can be frustrating for a conversation to go into endless circles. Set aside time to discuss any frustrations or stresses with infertility, but set a limit. Allow time for both parties to express how they feel, but try not to dwell on the topic. Stressful situations can feel like a heavy, all-encompassing weight on your shoulders, so make sure you save space from talking about the other aspects of your life.
Share Responsibilities
In addition to the emotional stress, there are other factors at play when considering IVF treatment. Ensure that if you and your partner decide to seek treatment, you separate responsibilities relating to appointments, billing, insurance, etc. A good way to break it up is by timing, so one person takes care of everything leading up to the appointment (scheduling, communication, research). The other person takes care of any bills, insurance claims, or anything else that comes after the appointment.
Seek Support Outside of the Relationship
There’s nothing wrong with seeking additional support. Your partner is only human, so it’s a lot of pressure to solely lean on them for support. Whether it’s a friend, family member, a licensed professional, or even an online forum, find a secure place to share how you feel so you can keep space for fun and enjoyment in your relationship.
Set Boundaries
If you decide to speak with a friend or family member, discuss boundaries with your partner before disclosing any personal information. Come to an understanding about how much you and your partner are willing to share, and then stick to those boundaries.
Infertility ≠ Failure
No matter what happens in your fertility journey, it is not a reflection of you or your relationship. Use these communication tips to strengthen your relationship and navigate other hardships in life.
Talk to A Fertility Expert
If you or your partner have any questions or concerns about infertility, reach out to Carolinas Fertility Institute today. Our knowledgeable and dedicated staff can help answer any questions you may have about fertility testing. We also offer a wide variety of services, from fertility evaluations to In Vitro fertilization. Contact us today to schedule an initial consultation by calling our Charlotte office at (844) 686-2233 or our office in the Triad at (336) 448-9100.