It’s no secret that during infertility, there can be strain placed on relationships and dull the spark. Sex and romance can begin to feel more like a chore than a romantic act to show love for your partner. Infertility treatments can tire you out, leaving little to no room to ignite a flame, and many end up feeling alone and out of sync with their partner. It is important to find ways to reconnect with your partner during infertility. 

Reconnecting During Infertility

Depending on the length of you and your partner’s unique journey, infertility can really put a strain on your relationship. However, it doesn’t have to be this way. Carolina Fertility Institute is here to help and believes no woman should be alone on this journey. That’s why we have compiled a list of 5 ways to reconnect with your partner during infertility, both emotionally and physically.  

  1. Have Open And Honest Communication

One of the best ways to reconnect with your partner during infertility is to ensure you are keeping an open line of honest communication. Letting your partner in on the emotions you are feeling surrounding infertility may help them to understand your behaviors and allow them to offer you appropriate guidance and support. Ask your partner how you can help them work through their anger, frustration, anxiety, and other emotions. Make sure you’re having conversations about how much you plan to share with others about your journey, financial plans, differences of opinions, etc. And finally, don’t forget to talk about other stuff, too! Not all of the communication between you and your partner has to be about your fertility journey. 

  1. Consider Having Intercourse Outside Your Fertile Window

When you’re trying to get pregnant, sex can often lose its romance and begin to feel like a chore. Instead of only being intimate during your fertile window, consider having intercourse when you’re not ovulating. Doing this can help to take pressure off conception and help you to focus on reconnecting with your partner on a romantic level. 

  1. Don’t Skip Out On Date Night

Another great way to reconnect with your partner during infertility is to make time each week for date night! If you’re looking for ways to reconnect with your partner during infertility, try out these fun date night ideas:

  • Mini-golfing
  • Arcade
  • Couples massage
  • Bowling
  • Comedy Show
  • Hiking
  • Board game night
  • Picnic

In the midst of all the chaos, it’s important to slow down and spend time nurturing the relationship between you and your partner. The activities listed above are a great way to get in a few laughs together and rekindle that spark!

  1. Find Out Your Love Language

Finding out each other’s love language is a great place to start when trying to reconnect with your partner during infertility. There are five love languages— words of affirmation, quality time acts of service, gift giving, and physical touch. Each of these love “languages” is the way people express their affection toward others. Those whose love language is quality time may not perceive acts of service as romantic gestures. By finding out your partner’s love language, you can learn how to make them feel appreciated, understood, and loved. To learn more about the five love languages, visit this resource

  1. Consider Therapy

There is no getting around the reality that infertility is difficult and, at times, can feel all-consuming. If you are struggling to reconnect with your partner during infertility despite all of your best efforts, it may be time to look into therapy. Couples therapy for infertility can help diffuse communication inconsistencies along with managing feelings of grief, anxiety, depression, resentment, anger, and more. Looking for support during your fertility journey? At Carolinas Fertility Institute, our partnered counseling program is Three Birds Counseling and Clinical Supervision

There is no doubt that infertility can take a toll on your relationship with your partner. Luckily, Carolinas Fertility Institute is here to provide you with care and expertise to find the best solution. Contact us to learn more about ways to reconnect with your partner during infertility and start planning your fertility goals. Check out our website or call us at (336) 448-9100 to make an appointment in the Triad or (844) 686-2233 for our Charlotte office.