Over the years and across the country, Dr. Y has helped hundreds of couples achieve their dream of becoming parents. Through different methods, many people have become first-time parents while others have added to their families with the help of Dr. Y. Here are a few success stories to show you what the personal and professional experience is like with Dr. Y.
Matt and Jenny Biagiotti married in 2010 and had hopes to build a family together. While Jenny was quite young, Matt was 43 and had undergone a vasectomy in 2004.
After consulting a local urologist, Matt was referred to Dr. Y with IVF suggested as a plan for treatment.
In 2013, Matt and Jenny were blessed with great news: twin boys were due in July 2014. Along the way to their success with Dr. Y, the Biagiotti’s were touched by the personal treatment they received for Dr. Y.
“Through the entire treatment process, we felt very close to him, and well cared for,” Matt Biagiotti said. “Dr. Y gave us his direct phone number and when we called, he answered or got back to us right away, even late at night.”
Marli Overstreet endured 8.5 years of infertility until a friend referred her to Dr. Y. Under his care, she became pregnant with a beautiful daughter.
Marli was pleased with Dr. Y’s caring, open and honest nature. She feels he truly cares about the patient’s emotional wellbeing through what can be a trying experience.
“He’s an amazing doctor who really cares about the patient, spouse and the family members,” she said. “I’ve recommended him to a number of friends who’ve achieved success and appreciated his wonderful care.”